Wednesday, March 2, 2011

..And so it begins

After one month of being in Evansville, I found it appropriate to fill everyone in on what's been going on. I guess i'll begin with the move....

The day I left Corpus was INNNSANE to say the least. The moving company we hired to fill our yellow Penske truck decided not to show up...(Don't use Busy Bee movers if you're wanting to actually move) We had to call about 5 other moving companies to see if they could show up in the next 2 hours. We found one, and they came and loaded up the truck in record time (thank God)! Before the 2nd moving company came, I had to leave for Houston so I could take my car in to get the alignment fixed. I decided it would be a good idea to give my cat, Noah, a Benedryl to see if it would knock him out so he wouldn't be meowing the entire trip. Well...that idea completely backfired on me. As we were driving along, he started throwing up everywhere and foaming at the mouth...I pulled the car over and called my mom because I honestly thought he was dying. She told me to call the vet..but as the phone was ringing, I realized it was Martin Luther King day, and everything was closed. At this point I was so pissed, I through my brick of a phone at the floor boards. Well, I didn't expect the phone to ricochet and hit my this point I look up and my entire windshield is shattered. I just started balling and called my Dad. He told me to keep driving and we would get it fixed before we left for Indiana the next morning.

Thank God for Safelight windshield repair..they got to our house in Houston around 9am the following morning, and fixed the thing in about 30 minutes flat. It was now time to hit the open road! Hillary and Bibin got to Houston around noon, and we left Htown soon after. The trip was funnnn! I think me and Hillary listened to Kesha more than any other music. I found a bunch of old CDs from High School and we jammed the entire way. I honestly would have fallen asleep and driven into a ditch if it wasn't for them being in the car with me. They kept me awake! When we got to Indiana, it was coooooold. I think the most exciting part about it is that Hillary had never seen snow before! It started snowing the following morning and we all had a blast playing in it. That same day, we moved everything into the apartment..and started unloading boxes. After a nice long day unpacking, Me, Hillary, and Bibin decided to go gamble away at Casino Aztar here in Evansville. It's no Vegas, but it was pretty cool, and I won like $100. Bibin on the other hand, did not haha!

The next morning we left early to take Bibin and Hillary to Louisville so they could go back to Texas. It was a long trip, considering the roads were slick and we had to drive 40 mph on the highway. The next couple of days were just a lot of unpacking and setting up the apt.

I started my job on the 24th of January, the same day that mom left too. It was a long day of boring hospital orientation, but I guess it made it easier to say goodbye because I had stuff to do. After work, I decided to go to Katie's so I wouldn't be at home alone, and Ryder came running up to the door saying "Grandma, Grandma"! I started balling on the spot. I think the hardest part of it all was to say goodbye to the people I love.

Work has been okay...all we're doing right now is a bunch of 'classes'. I feel like I've been in school for the past 5 why the heck do I need to learn all this AGAIN. They go too fast, and i'm not really following along. I've only been on the floor once a week, and feel like I havent learned much at all. I really hope they expect to keep me in orientation a little longer, because I would seriously kill someone if I went out in the next few weeks.

All in all, things have been going decent. I don't do much except hang out with Katie and the boys, but that's at least keeping me sane. On my first day of work, I had a lady come up to me and said "So, did you find a place to live yet"? I said yes, and we talked about where abouts. We came to find out we're neighbors! To make a long story short, she has 4 sons and I met one of them about a week or 2 after I moved in. We've been hanging out, but he's moving to Louisville on Saturday. It's just my luck to meet a friend, and then have them move away. I haven't met any girlfriends yet, I figured that's going to take a long time...but I never figured it would take this long. I hate eating lunch by myself at work, and coming home to my cats and my tv. It's getting to be an everyday routine..but I just signed up for a gym membership. I'm going to start working a lot, and just going to the gym..maybe itl make May come faster then it feels like it's going to come.

I've decided i'm going to start looking for Jobs in Austin, and Houston. I won't leave until the end of the year, but I need something to look forward to. I haven't heard anything about the Navy thing, so i'm not sure how that is going to work out.

Phew..that was a long post. After a month of crazy stuff going on..I figured I would be sitting here for 3 hours. I condensed a whole month into about 15 mintues.

I'll be home in May..and I'm seriously counting down the days on my calender..I was supposed to come home in March..but work decided to not listen to me when I asked 3 1/2 months in advance..Hope they listen when I take off in May, because if not, i'm just gonna go haha.

Until next time....

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