Sunday, January 9, 2011

Only 2 weeks left...?!

I can't believe it's already been a month since I posted last...A lot has gone on to say the least!

Christmas in Maryland was fun...had some family drama, but I've come to realize with age that this is inevitable with All in all, it was a nice Christmas, and I got everything I wanted from Santa :) New Years was a blast...Myself, Hillary, Caroline, and a few of her friends got a hotel in downtown Houston, and bar hopped to ring in 2011. We ended up at 'Jet Lounge' and had an interesting night, which included a stripper as a waitress..a reserved area which we THOUGHT was free..except it wasn't..and a nice 1.5 mile drunk treck back to the hotel...(Thanks boys for NOT letting us take the useful car service at the beginning of the night)!

I still can't believe 2010 is over. Getting older honestly stinks. I hate that time seems to fly, even if you're not having fun. I look back on 2010, and wish it had gone a little slower. I graduated from nursing my first big girl job, and made friends that I will always consider my best friends. I could never type enough to express how happy I am that I met each and every one of you. Without all your help, and support through school..I would have never made it to 2011! I can't count how many times I've cried because I feel like i'm leaving everyone behind..but I know that everyone is just a plane ride away..and I know that ya'll will always be there for me. moving on from the sappy stuff....As of right now, I'm in Indiana trying to find a place to call home. I've been here since Jan 4th, and I feel like I havn't gotten much accomplished. I went to 8 different apartment complexes..and out of all of them, only 2 seemed to fit me. One is about 6 miles from work...and the other one is 3 miles. Is it sad that 6 miles away seems too far?? I need to consider that if I lived in Houston...getting an apt 6 miles from any hospital is a miracle. Evansville is about the size of Corpus..we have one big road that runs through the main place (kinda like SPID) and two highways that go through too.

During this trip, we've also been looking at furniture. I've been renting my furniture in CC for the past 3 1/2 years, and have never owned any. I figured that it's time to buy my own! I've never been in so many furniture stores in my life in one day, but I think I finally found some I really like!

After one, long week of being here, we are leaving on Tuesday to start the journey of packing away my life in a Penske truck. The plan right now is to drive to Corpus on Wednesday....pack up the truck...leave Corpus on Monday...go pick up the cats in Houston...and leave for Indiana on Tuesday. If this goes as planned, I'll officially have my civic there on Wednesday, January 19th. That leaves my Mom and I 4 days to unpack the truck before work starts!

I keep thinkin to myself that I'm making the biggest mistake of my life. It's this weird gut feeling that won't go away. I've talked to many people..people that moved to another country, how this all pans out. I've heard that it hurts like hell for the first month..but after that, you learn to make what you have, home. I'm trying to make myself believe them, and it's gettin a little better each day. I know my mom is only a plane ride away (thank God for free flights!) and I only work 3 days a hopefully, every couple of months, I can come back home to visit.

I'm starting to feel better...lets hope everything goes smoothly in the next 2 weeks, prayers appreciated :)